Dad on Jake's arrival

Friday, July 10, 2009

Wow.. I don't really have any other way to describe it. Sure I've had plenty of time to think about it, but you just can't describe the feeling until you've been there!!

We knew that Jake's arrival was going to be different. We are in a foreign country with just a few friends who are hours away. Of course our 5+ year trip prepared us and we are very used to being alone, reliant only on each other for support and comfort. As we walked to the hospital for our C-section appointment(the universal "we" is in effect here), our main concern was communication. We just shrugged our shoulders and said "we'll see soon enough".

We realized things might be a little different in Turkey when we first asked if I could be in the room for the C-section, I guess that isn't a common thing. We got prepped upstairs and the nurse asked (more like motioned) for the babies first clothes (uh oh another difference). I followed KT out of the room as she was wheeled away, down the elevator, through the keypadded ER door and into the ward. I followed blindly down the hall when all of the sudden there was a shout, "hey hey, what are YOU doing here" as KT was wheeled around the corner. I didn't even have a chance to say good bye, good luck or anything!!

They told me to wait outside and about five minutes later a nurse came out and said "Kelly Kelly". I followed her back though the security door and put on my scrubs and cap and waited and waited for someone to come back and get me. When someone finally did he said "problem, you no come" and disappeared. As I was having a heart attack the anesthesiologist (we met early) said, "she can still feel pain, we need to do more. You wait here". Well by then I was wearing a groove into the floor with all my pacing. FINALLY an older woman came out another door and starts babbling in Turkish.. "bebek, bebek" while kissing her finger tips and pinching her cheeks. "Engligh, English?" I'm dying here people.. what is happening? Then she points down the hall to one of those plastic bubble baby boxes rolling around the corner and smiles "bebek" and points to me .. Holy @$#% he's here.. that's my son!! Is he ok? Why is he in that thing? Where's my wife? Is She OK? I went running over to see him, but he was all bundled up in this big green canvas cloth. The nurse opened the window, moved the cloth and there he was.. my son. With tears running down my face I introduced myself and he opened his eyes. He was here and he was alive!!

Sure I've some memorable moments in my life, but this is most amazing thing I've ever been a part of, intellectually and emotionally. I am constantly amazed about how he was made, yeah yeah .. I know.. two minutes of fun last fall, thanks guys! It's fascinating to think about what had to happen correctly in order for Jake to be here (cell splitting, build a finger here, toe there). The process simply boggles my mind. I can stare at this little guy for hours, while he's sleeping even.. just to watch him BE it is simply amazing (if you know me you know I can't sit still ever). Sometimes in the middle of the night I wake up just to watch him breathe. Wow, what's it going to be like when he can actually do sometime or even talk. Everything seems to be more emotional now, and I'm not the one going through the hormone changes. I get teary eyed over TV commercials now.. and they are in Turkish!!

To all of you parents who tried to explain this whole thing to me.. I finally get it!

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