The American Male

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Jake is one month old tomorrow! I knew time would fly, but this is ridiculous ... who knew it could go this fast (well, other parents I suppose). I was just looking at a photo of Jake from the hospital and it amazes me how much he has changed in such a short time. And it's not just his appearance- his focus, attention and "skills" have all grown exponentially. Of course that also means he demands more attention from Mom & Dad - he no longer just sleeps away the day, but prefers to explore & interact (while in our arms of course).

He is not the only one demanding our time. We've been busy moving off the 'ol Billabong. We are officially homeless and no longer Billabong's captain/admiral. It hasn't really hit either of us yet, but I'm sure one day we will wake up and be in shock that we are now land-lubbers!

Because of all this activity in our lives this will be a short post ... but we wanted an excuse to post some more photos of Jake (from Weeks 2 and 3) and to publish this Guest post, "The American Male" by Jake's Grandpa Dave:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I am witnessing a miracle. Jake Dylan Myles has a full time job. He eats, poops and sleeps. It’ a grind. He also must discover things, things like his own hand passing by his line of sight.

I am in awe watching KT. She provides everything Jake needs. She is in tune with him. They are for now in his life as connected as they were when he was in her womb. It is beautiful. It is incredible but it is not the miracle I address here.

While the mother is the provider of all needs the father is, well, somewhat left out or so I thought. But I am witnessing the development of the American male psyche. I am seeing firsthand how it is we are what we are. How we get from “he’s so cute and adorable” to “your gross”, “not here”, “do you have to”, “where are your manners” et al. let me explain.

While the mom is busy providing all things needed the dad is left with the by-products. This is the only area he can work. And he makes the best of it. He plants the seeds of the American male psyche. It works like this. Jake farts, dad jumps up and rushes to his son. He carefully lifts one arm and moves it up and down in the arm pump motion while singing praises like “you da man” similar excitement and encouragement are shown when he pees in his own face or poops a particularly messy diaper or belches load enough to be heard in the next flat.

Chris is beautiful man, he is on this stuff. The day will come when Jake will be able to empty a room with one noxious loud release and stand alone in the center of the room and pound his chest in triumph.

He will be one of us. He will be An American Male.


Unknown said...

That baby is ridiculously beautiful and I simply refuse to believe he is peeing in his own, or any other's, face. xoxo

Hai Mei Gui said...

We enjoyed the latest report from the Myles crew and cant believe you are no longer bıllabongs. Those blue eyes are powerful! Look forward to hearıng more of your progress.

Tony and Clare
S Y Hai Mei Gui

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